What is Muay Thai?
Take traditional boxing combined with kickboxing and you have the foundation of MuayThai. But add elbows and knees, and the ability to use the body in an upright form of wrestling (full body ‘hugs’ and clinching are permitted), and you have the complete picture of this form of martial arts. In Muay Thai, also known as the art of 8 limbs: Shins, knees, elbows and hands.
It is well known that in martial arts, both students and Professionals are taught the necessity for self-control and measured behaviour. Muay Thai is no different.
While getting fit, honing the body and teaching self-defence, this sport equally promotes mental and emotional strength. In a group setting, Muay Thais encourages team spirit and camaraderie. Sparring takes place between two people, reflecting the ethos of Muay Thai.
Participants can enjoy this sport at any level, from beginner, intermediate through very accomplished to taking part in competition fighting.